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Fundraise to Win

Price:   £14.00   


This book provides the principles to fundraising; from budgeting for success to finding the money to win.

It’s full of fundraising ideas, such as dinners, raffles and 100 clubs. It includes the latest GDPR and PPERA advice checked for compliance by Liberal Democrat HQ. Also included are: how to find and start talking to big donors, how to budget and how to start legacy fundraising.

Fundraise to Win is the perfect place to start if you’re new to fundraising as a Liberal Democrat and a great reference for the more experienced.

This book was written by Claire Halliwell (former ALDC campaigns and HQ manager, who now works for LD HQ) in partnership with LDHQ.

This book will only be sold to Lib Dem party members. If you’re a non-ALDC member buying this book, please provide your party membership number in the special instructions field when you check out.